Airsoft AK47 Assault Rifle
24 products
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Airsoft replicas of the glorious AK47. The world's most popular assault rifle, conceived and designed in the early 1940s by Soviet designer M. Kalašnikov finally came into its own as the official assault rifle of the Soviet armed forces in 1949. Equipped with 7.62X39 calibre bullets, it was produced in millions before being replaced in the 1970s. During its almost two decades of production, the AK 47 underwent several modernisations with variants of the AKM series. The main variant, known as the AKM from "Modernizirovanniy" (modernised), is a simplified and lightened version of the AK47, the AKMS version has a folding stock, the AKMN version has a side slide for attaching a night-vision scope, and finally the AKMS-N has both a night-vision scope slide and a folding stock.
Whichever model of AK47 you prefer, at airsoftmania, you can buy the bbs version certain to get the best value for money. You can also choose from dedicated AK magazines, specific magazine pouches as well as thousands more spare parts and accessories.