DBOYSKU: DBY-01-001374
1 recensione

€177,44 EUR
read the specific information and options for purchasing this product in your country
Sie entscheiden, ob Sie das Downgrade auf 0,5 Joule speziell für den deutschen Markt erwerben möchten. Andernfalls müssen Sie die notwendigen Änderungen selbst vornehmen, damit der Nachbau den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen in Ihrem Land entspricht.
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Om airsoft wapens naar Nederland te versturen hebben we uw NABV PAS nodig. Meer informatie vindt u hier.
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Please enter your UKARA id above if you wish to purchase a realistic replica weapon in the UK. We will enclose this information with the shipment to ensure safe delivery.
If you don't have an UKARA id you can buy our 2 tone service. We will paint the gun in a bright blue color. Cost of this service is 15€, waiting time about 7 days
personalise your rifle with your name or a text of your choice.
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Important Notice concerning VAT

Please note, prices shown for UK customers do not include VAT.

Long Replicas

  • Overall length of more than 60 cm and barrel length of more than 30 cm.
  • Paint Requirements:
  • Barrel: 10 cm of the barrel must be painted.
  • Stock: 100% of the stock must be painted.

Short Replicas

  • Overall length of less than 60 cm or barrel length of less than 30 cm.
  • Paint Requirements:
  • Barrel: 5 cm of the barrel must be painted.
  • Grip: 100% of the grip must be painted.

These guidelines ensure that airsoft replicas are easily distinguishable for safety and regulatory compliance in Portugal.

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È stata realizzata questa replica AKMS utilizzando, tra gli altri, lamiera d'acciaio. Il ricevitore, il parapolvere, il calcio con la chiusura e la girella tattica dell'imbracatura, la museruola, il selettore della modalità di fuoco, il tubo del gas e l'asta per la pulizia erano tutti repliche realizzato in acciaio . I restanti elementi metallici erano costituiti da a lega uniforme di zinco e alluminio . Il realismo e il carattere della replica sono rafforzati da legno naturale parti in compensato della culla e del tappo del tubo del gas. Solo il pistola  l'impugnatura è stata realizzata in polimero esattamente come nel live arma da fuoco originale .

Dati tecnici

  • Materiale: Acciaio + ZnAl + Legno + Polimero
  • Peso: 2850 g
  • Lunghezza: 665/950mm
  • Velocità della volata: ~400 FPS

L'uso di elementi in legno e finitura nera opaca conferisce alla replica un aspetto molto aspetto realistico . Il calcio si ripiega sotto la bascula, consentendo di ridurre le dimensioni della replica. La batteria di tipo stick è conservata sotto il coperchio antipolvere (incluso nel set). La replica può essere parzialmente smontata così com'è arma da fuoco viva originale . Mancano solo le viti, il che è il risultato di una costruzione basata sullo standard VFC.

Il cuore della replica è a gearbox v.3 , che è caratteristico per la sua lunga vita e il suo essere un'ottima base per una potenziale messa a punto. All'interno della replica è presente una testa del pistone bidirezionale; scivolo a molla rinforzato, montato su cuscinetti e cuscinetti a sfera da 7 mm.

La replica viene fornita con un hi cap acciaio rivista con una capacità fino a 500 BB.

Il set comprende:

  • replica
  • rivista
  • asta di pulizia
  • Manuale

AKMS RK-10 Features

Platform: AK Type: Fucile D'Assalto FPS: 400 (Joule: 1.49)
Powered by: Elettrico Battery included: NO
Suggested battery: Stick (AK)

In Germany, the Weapons Act governs the sale and use of Airsoft guns:

  • Fully automatic Airsoft pistols with a muzzle energy up to 0.5 joules can be purchased by individuals 14 years of age or older. (please add our downgrade optional service for Germany).
  • Handguns and rifles exceeding 0.5 joules must be semi-automatic (one shot per trigger pull) and require the buyer to be at least 18 years old. We'll ask for age verification during your online purchase.
  • Age verification is done online before completing your order. If the recipient is different from the person placing the order, we'll also need their age verification.
  • Carrying Airsoft guns in public is generally prohibited, even if they're not readily visible. Exceptions exist with a valid firearms license, but this only applies to handguns and semi-automatic rifles.
  • Full Auto Airsoft guns exceeding 0.5 joules are considered firearms under the Weapons Act. Carrying them without a valid firearms license (with the "F in a pentagon" marking) is an administrative offense.
  • Transporting Airsoft guns requires them to be unloaded, secured, and in a closed container.
  • Using Airsoft guns is permitted on private property (with the owner's consent) and designated Airsoft fields.

Please ensure you comply with these regulations when purchasing and using Airsoft guns in Germany.

  • Delivery time: 7 working days
  • Processing time: Typically 48 hours (additional day for customs documentation)
  • Shipping carrier: UPS

  • IMPORTANT: Airsoft Replica Purchase Requirements

    • Valid defense: To purchase a Realistic Imitation Firearm (RIF), you must provide a valid defense.

      Some valid defenses include:

      • UKARA ID
      • Membership in a reenactment company
      • Museum curator status
      • Membership in a television or film production team

    • Two-tone service: Alternatively, if you can't provide a valide defense, you can request our two-tone coloring service, which allows you to purchase an airsoft replica without additional documentation.

    Please note: Airsoftmania is not responsible for delivery problems due to missing defense documents.

    For more information:

    Duties and Taxes

    • Our prices do not include VAT for the UK market.
    • UK customs may require you to pay VAT and any import duties.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 1 review
    Anonymous (Wandlitz, Brandenburg, Germany)
    Gute AK für einen schmalen Taler

    Die RK-10 von Double Bell ist vom Material solide und wie beschrieben was mich ein bisschen stört was aber daran liegt das sie wegen deutschen versand umgebaut wurde , ist das der fireselector nicht funktioniert (nur Auto feuer oder Sichern)

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