Airsoft Mania Shop Europe
Airsoftmania was born from a passion for airsoft dating back to thirty years ago, at the end of the 80s. It was in fact 1989 when a young director of Airsoftmania started playing airsoft with a few crazy friends.
Since then millions of pellets have been fired, many games have been played throughout Europe and a long way and many experiences have been made in the airsoft industry.
Over the years we have created brands, invented new products, opened stores, we have been distributors of important brands such as G&G, Maxpedition, ASG and Viper Tactical. We have opened a large arena and organized hundreds of tournaments and among these also Exposoftair an airsoft fair with international participants and sponsors.
Airsoftmania, born in 2020 in full pandemic crisis, represents the synthesis of all this experience and all these years of play.

Airsoftmania apre a Palermo

What are the best 5 airsoft gun brands

The Environmental Impact of Airsoft: Biodegradable BBs and Sustainability
In recent years, the focus has shifted towards promoting sustainability in airsoft, with biodegradable BBs emerging as a key solution. Let's delve into the significance of biodegradable BBs and how they are paving the way for a more eco-friendly airsoft community.